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We are curious about the concern that European and National Institutions have about the arrival of Artificial Intelligence Services to the citizen. We turn to this "Cursed Tool" that can make us "smarter" to define us "without disrespecting any honorable citizen" (of those who have consented-motivated-promoted) to define the term about what would be called the repeated failure for more than 40 years to ensure the EQUALITY of citizens before the LAW? These expressions reflect the seriousness and persistence of the prolonged failure to guarantee equality before the law. 

According to AI, it could be defined with words like:

  • Systemic injustice
  • Structural inequality
  • Persistent discrimination
  • Chronic inequality
  • Continued violation of rights
  • Historical marginalization
  • Institutionalized exclusion

But curiosity is "sin" and we continue to ask you to identify those who may be responsible for the repeated failure to comply with the equality of citizens before the law for more than 40 years

It could be attributed to a variety of actors and factors, depending on the context and specific circumstances. Here are some possible culprits:

1. Governments and Public Administrations:
  Executive Branch: Successive governments that have not implemented effective policies to guarantee equality before the law, or that have promoted policies that perpetuate inequality.
  Legislative Branch: Lawmakers who have passed laws that do not guarantee equality or who have failed to reform discriminatory or unequal laws.
  Public Administration: Officials and agencies that have applied the law unequally or have allowed discriminatory practices to continue within the system.
2. Judiciary:
   Judges and Courts: If they have interpreted or applied the laws in an inconsistent or discriminatory manner, contributing to the perpetuation of inequalities.
    Lack of Access to Justice: An inaccessible or ineffective judicial system that does not provide effective remedies for those who suffer inequality.
3. Institutions and Control Agencies:
    Human Rights Ombudsman's Offices and Commissions: If they have not fulfilled their role of supervising and reporting violations of equality before the law.
     International Organizations: If they have not exerted sufficient pressure or have not intervened in situations where equality of rights has been violated.
4. Political and Social Actors:
  Political Parties: That have promoted or allowed inequality as part of their platforms or policies.
  Opinion Leaders and Media: If they have normalized or made invisible inequalities, preventing the necessary debates to address the problem from being generated.
5. Civil Society:
   Lack of Social Mobilization: If civil society has not demanded with sufficient force respect for equality before the law, allowing inequality to persist.
6. Structural Factors:
   Economic and Social Inequalities: Which perpetuate and aggravate inequality before the law.
  Culture and Tradition: Cultural practices that have justified or maintained unequal legal and social systems.

In short, responsibility can be shared among various institutions and actors, all of which have contributed, directly or indirectly, to the maintenance of a system that has failed to guarantee equality of citizens before the law.

Mark 6-8-2024 on your calendar, because that is the date on which the ECHR has considered our appeal against privileges "INADMISSIBLE" - of course, it contradicts its own article 14.

Article 14. Prohibition of discrimination.

The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms recognized in this Convention must be ensured without any distinction, especially on the basis of sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, membership of a national minority, wealth, birth or any other situation.

We are undoubtedly making history ;-)