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The pleasure of entering a bakery is unquestionable, the smell tells us that we will be able to get something tasty, if we enter a perfumery the pleasure of smells is guaranteed. If we enter a library we anticipate what we are going to find: knowledge, learning things. If we go to a hospital the smell will be clean, we know in advance that they are going to do everything possible to cure us...... but... what happens when we enter a court? What do Spanish courts smell like? Does so-called Legal Security exist? That is to say, do we have the guarantee that our courts will respect our Constitution? Will their decisions comply with the laws?

We have to regret that what may happen to us in our courts does not have good expectations, we can prove it:

Being interrogated WITHOUT having been informed of the accusation (art 24.1 CE effective judicial protection)
Not having access to the recordings of a trial hearing to be able to appeal in a timely manner (art 24.2 CE on the judicial process)
Not having access to the requested testimonies that would allow proving the reported facts
Not having access to a professional expert, the TSJ "insaculates" 73-year-old experts whose careers are not in danger if they have to "lie"
Deny access to the documentation requested in the so-called "preliminary proceedings procedures" in order not to be able to prove any crime
Aspects such as random distribution, deadlines, judicial or prosecutorial independence are mere ideals about the role of our constitution, which unfortunately is "SEMANTIC"

But even much more serious than the violation of our constitution regarding access to a fair process is that the basic and fundamental principles of a country that calls itself the "RULE OF LAW" are not fulfilled:

Corruption Whistleblower Protection Law. We have people in jail for denouncing corruption in our courts.
Data Protection Law We have leaks of protected documents to file complaints of €500,000 (the end justifies the means)
Transparence Law. We hide documents to prevent criminal networks of misappropriation from coming to light.
Horizontal Property Law. We intentionally conceal invoices to prevent taxpayers from being able to deduct VAT from their expenses.
Urban Planning Law: 92 homes are built where the maximum habitability allows only 75, because they are officially protected
VAT Law. The Tax Agency itself has "invented" "illegal" VAT exemptions (we have active judicial proceedings in this regard)
Corporate Tax Law (LIS). To date it has not been recognized by the courts that a non-profit entity "NOT" can provide benefits.

But if we add to these flagrant breaches of laws that they have been carried out premeditatedly, the scandal may deserve some newspaper headlines,.... it will undoubtedly have to be in another country ;-)

It is at this point where we have to remember that our country has been "39 years of loneliness", isolated from the Democratic Europe that surrounds us. Back in 1985 our "legislative, executive and judicial" powers (collusively) created laws of privileges of "some people" before the law, the so-called PRIVILEDGES that have given free rein to all the violations of the law that afflict us. Attempts to hold our judges and prosecutors accountable (the only ones with control powers) have been unsuccessful to date. We therefore have two serious problems in our country: "divinity" and "condescension." We therefore have no legal security, the stench is unbearable.