We are coordinated with other organizations that have been fighting for the same ideals as us for several years. The results are uncertain, not to say non-existent, and hence the great doubts arise: Why doesn't corruption end? Is there no public institution that pursues it? Answer: ..... NO INTEREST, Be clear about the old Spanish saying "a troubled river profit of fishermen"
The fight against corruption is always a priority for any democratic state. In a situation like the current one, in which the health crisis will be followed by another economic crisis, it is urgently necessary to pass an Anti-Corruption Law that protects the complainant and helps stop any speculative attempt. read more https://confilegal.com/20200514-asociaciones-y-un-grupo-de-juristas-impulsan-una-ley-integral-de-prevencion-y-lucha-contra-la-corrupcion/
A dozen organizations ask to participate in the drafting of a law that protects whistleblowers of corruption The letter signed by 12 organizations, including the Baltasar Garzón International Foundation (FIBGAR), Transparency International-Spain, Platform for Honesty or Blueprint for Free Speech, stresses that the need to legislate on this matter is "urgent", but they consider that "it is extremely important to" listen and value "the experience and knowledge of the victims and organized civil society when developing the group's work. ". Read more: https://www.europapress.es/nacional/noticia-decena-organizaciones-piden-participar-elaboracion-ley-proteja-denunciantes-corrupcion-20200702181000.html
ASOCIACIÓN CONTRA LA CORRUPCIÓN Y EN DEFENSA DE LA ACCIÓN PÚBLICA( la mejor sin duda) | ACODAP ,be careful, it is filtered by our government (where we have freedom of expression) you have to activate vpn in your browser to be able to see it |
Asociación Nacional de Víctimas de los Profesionales del Estado de Derecho | www.anviped.org.es |
Asociacion Nacional de afectados por delitos económicos e impagos | www.anadei.net |
ProÉtica & Compliance | www.proetica.es |
Fundacion hay derecho | www.hayderecho.com |
Asociación de Lucha contra la Corrupción Corruptil | www.corruptil.es |
Asociación de víctimas de tortura por denunciar la corrupción | www.torturacorrupcion.com/asociacion-victimas |
Asociación Europea de Ciudadanos contra la Corrupción | www.anticorrupcion.eu |
Asociación de Usuarios de la Administración de Justicia | http://www.ausaj.org |
Asociación Nacional contra la prevaricación
Action For Justice | https://action4justice.org/ |
Asociación Española contra la Injusticia | https://aecli.es/ |
Denunciantes de Corrupción Judicial | www.contracorrupcionjudicial.org |
Consumidores en Acción | https://www.facua.org/ |
European Movement for Justice - Estado sin derechos | http://www.emjustice.eu/countries/ES_Espana/estado_sin_derechos.html |
Justicia para Todos | www.justiciaparatodos.org |
Víctimas de la Justicia | www.victimasdelajusticia.es |
Internacional | |
GAN Business Anti-Corruption | https://www.business-anti-corruption.com/country-profiles/spain/ |
The LAUSANNE and WORLD EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE | https://www.globalintegritynetwork.org/ |
Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito | https://www.unodc.org/ |
Transparency International | https://transparencia.org |
Rights International spain | http://rightsinternationalspain.org/ |
Civil Right Defenders | https://crd.org/ |
Liberties | https://www.liberties.eu/ |