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The concept of privileged is based on the fact that a person, by exercising a public office or by his profession, enjoys a series of procedural rights, among which is that, if he is investigated for a crime, he must be tried by a court other than the one that will correspond to an ordinary citizen Our association ACCYDED has filed a claim with the ombudsman on 10-13-2021

It is a first step, without a doubt, deeply considered and consulted with numerous lawyers who do not see a possible way to denounce the unconstitutionality of all the laws in this regard that have emerged from the Judicial branch.

It is without a doubt the Ombudsman who has the power and the duty to appeal to the constitutional court any law that contradicts our constitution.

And the reasons provided for overwhelming content:

I-) Because we are the only country in our political, legal and cultural environment that continues to apply a nineteenth-century institution that privileges some citizens over the rest for the mere fact of carrying out a public function or position.

II.-) Because the legal institution of the assessment goes against fundamental principles and rights enshrined in our Constitution and included in its articles 1.1, 14, 24 and 24.2.

III.-) Because the juridical institution of the assessment is an aberration of a procedural nature that alters the distribution rules and steals the right contained in our Constitution regarding the right to the judge predetermined by law.

IV.-) Because the legal institution of the assessment sends a message of mistrust on the part of the democratic institutions of our country when they despise the functioning and good work carried out by the court judges.

V.-) Because the legal institution of the assessment alters the procedural and operational functions of an institution as relevant to a State of Law as is the Supreme Court.

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