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It is unfortunate but true "there is no rule of law in Spain", we occupy position 23 (year 2022) in the official list that appears on Wikipedia, that is without counting the scandals that will soon appear in the media: people imprisoned, intimidated because they have denounced corruption... even though Law 2/2023 should protect them. While the billions of scams will disappear without our fiscal and judicial power "independent of each other" (but fellow opposition judges) having shown any motivation to recover it. But let's be "positive" we are above other countries, that is, it could be worse

The four fundamental principles for a country that boasts of having the rule of law are:

  • that their governments exercise clear accountability for their actions,
  • that they have just laws,
  • fast and expeditious legal processes,
  • accessible mechanisms to resolve disputes between its citizens.

Let's examine our country in these 4 basic pillars:

  • Do we have any representatives of our 3 powers: government, parliament, judiciary with money in tax havens? Do you believe that we are so "neat" occupying position 23?
  • Have you heard that we have been failing to comply with article 14 of our constitution for 38 years? That we have 240,000 registered workers?
  • Is it normal in Spain for a judicial process to last 10 years? Do you know what the average time is to recover the costs of a judicial procedure?
  • Imagine that an electricity supplier has deceived you, do you know how long the arbitration takes?..... 9 months, taking into account that you have detected it with the first invoice, that is, 12 months

How is the level of rule of law measured? under these parameters

  • Restrictions on the powers of the Government
  • Absence of corruption
  • open government
  • Fundamental rights
  • Order and security
  • Regulatory application
  • civil justice
  • criminal justice

and here are the results, Note the bad grade in criminal justice and the good one regarding our police officers
