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The economic development of a country undoubtedly depends on how well its Judicial body works. In a very simple way we can say that justice is in charge of "the rules" being followed.Where are the rules of the game defined? if you doubt the Spanish constitution or also called Magna Carta. The transparency of this body and the rigor when it comes to regulating compliance with its doctrines determine its operation

In our case, it is not an organization that we can be proud of, since in Spain there are more than 240,000  privileged and paradoxically in Article 14 of our constitution it said:

Spaniards are equal before the law, without any discrimination on the basis of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

 Although it is true that the constitution itself includes some "exceptions" in articles of minor importance, the number of graduates in our country should not be such an excessive number

  • President of the Government and Ministers. Art. 101.2 CE
  • Deputies and senators. Art. 71.3 CE

 Well, most of the additional surveys arise from laws emanating from the Judicial Power, that is, those in charge of ensuring that the rules are complied with, are the first to skip them.

 Presidents of Autonomous Parliaments and their parliamentarians. Art. 73 LOPJ

  • President and members of the Governing Council of the Autonomous Community and against members of its Legislative Assembly. Art. 73 LOPJ 
  • President and advisers of the Court of Accounts. Art. 57 LOPJ
  • President and advisers of the Council of State. Art. 57 LOPJ
  • Ombudsman. Art. 57 LOPJ
  • President and members of the CGPJ. Art. 57LOPJ
  • President and Magistrates of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, the Superior Court of Justice and the Hearing. Art. 57LOPJ
  • Judges, Magistrates and officials of the Public Prosecutor's Office. Art. 73 LOPJ • The State Security Forces and Bodies. Art. 8 LOFCSE
  • Autonomous Presidents and directors of the executives of the CCAA Art. 57 LOPJ
  • President of Congress and Senate. Art. 57 LOPJ

If we had to argue the origin and persistence of these 240,000 privileged ... we would have to say that the problem is that no one complains

You can explore the multitude of organizations similar to ours that denounce judicial corruption, it is not new that in the human condition power corrupts, but what is striking is the impunity for what we could call professional malpractice:

  • argumentative inconsistencies of sentences
  • omisive incongruities of sentences
  • lack of reasoning for sentences
  • partiality in the distribution of procedures
  • that anonymous prosecution reports be issued
  • that a judge-magistrate lie

Undoubtedly, this impunity has its origin in the privileged and also the reason for the existence of our association. With the privileged there is a serious violation of the Spanish constitution and you can see in the projects menu that this has been our first action taken just after legalizing our association

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