It is unfortunate but true "there is no rule of law in Spain", we occupy position 23 (year 2022) in the official list that appears on Wikipedia, that is without counting the scandals that will soon appear in the media: people imprisoned, intimidated because they have denounced corruption... even though Law 2/2023 should protect them. While the billions of scams will disappear without our fiscal and judicial power "independent of each other" (but fellow opposition judges) having shown any motivation to recover it. But let's be "positive" we are above other countries, that is, it could be worse
"..In our constitutional and democratic Spain you have been able to see that ancestry and history entail, above all, obligation and commitment; and that PRIVILEGE can only be understood as honor and service to others" is the message transmitted by H.M. King Felipe VI on April 19, 2023 in Ronda (Málaga) Although it is fresh air to hear these words, they "squeak" in a country where our judges "maintain" illegal appraisals (privileges) for 40 years It goes without saying that the The "human" condition of our judges is not worthy of them, proof of this is that there are complaints against many of them for having money in tax havens
The European Court of Human Rights is for European citizens the last chance for justice. Getting justice in this fourth instance puts national justice in a compromised situation. This court has included in its statutes and rules the defense of an impartial and fair court. In our experience we have already had three attempts, paradoxically all three have fallen into the same section and a single judge has been assigned, it gives the impression that the last judicial instance clearly suffers from the impartiality that it promulgates because in all three cases it has been our turn the same judge ;-)
In 2021 the EU will issue a significant joint debt issue to finance the recovery fund, in parallel it has launched the first European prosecutor's office in charge of prosecuting crimes against the financial interests of the club. It is true that finding where to file a claim is not an easy task but we provide you with the link. There is a similar figure called Olaf in which fraud can be reported, this new body intends to complement it since it requires that the scam exceed € 10 million .
The concept of privileged is based on the fact that a person, by exercising a public office or by his profession, enjoys a series of procedural rights, among which is that, if he is investigated for a crime, he must be tried by a court other than the one that will correspond to an ordinary citizen Our association ACCYDED has filed a claim with the ombudsman on 10-13-2021
If we read the newspaper headlines in our country, one "naively" deduces the great corruption that exists outside our borders: corrupt US Supreme Court judges, former French President convicted of corruption, etc. These are examples of the last days that our newspapers strive in showing us But being a little more insightful than the expected average number of readers to whom it is addressed. Is that in Spain there are no corrupt Supreme Court judges? Are there not corrupt ex-presidents? The answer is obvious and the reason why we do not know what is happening at our borders is even more grotesque, our political-institutional-information system is incapable of judging-reporting it
It is difficult to understand that 10 years have passed with cumbersome judicial processes, simple facts such as "1+1=2" have not been recognized. Numerous violations of the "rule of law" have occurred. We are facing a criminal network with many institutions involved, including the most sensitive (the judicial), with serious difficulties in recognizing the crimes of prevarication produced among its members, discerning between the legal and the corporate is a difficult task despite being guarantees of the law.
Alexéi Navalni is a critical person against the government of his country (Russia), he is a lawyer and defender of the laws that must be followed in a democratic country. You can see his story on a TV platform, what is relevant about his unfortunate situation (recently died) is to be able to demonstrate how corrupt governments strive to control power, ultimately public money, regardless of life, freedom or rights. of a citizen. Don't be naive thinking that only the outsiders are "bad". In the Kingdom of Spain we have a client and captive press that will avoid publishing the dirty laundry of our oligarchs.
Biko, was one of the icons of the fight against apartheid in South Africa, his famous phrase is valid globally. Without a doubt, he possessed the most effective weapon against corrupt governments, getting people to "believe in themselves." Let's see what the Spanish apartheid consists of, first some laws are published (1985) that give privileges to some citizens over others, it just so happens that they are the ones with the greatest institutional power in a country, "the judges, prosecutors, etc..", in ultimately, those who decide whether the disappearance of money from the public coffers is misappropriation or necessary expenses
We live in a corrupt country in which the institutions do not put any stop to this diminishing. Our politicians spend the day throwing the junk between them and only worry that the valuations of their allies do not fall, that is, there is no intention to change the panorama. The rule of law we can affirm categorically does not exist in our country, if you have any doubts consult any of the organizations related to ours. We have to pursue Spain v2.0
It is mandatory for all municipalities and autonomous communities to promote sport. This expense represents a significant outlay in institutional budgets. the economic management of these sports clubs and associations is not always overly controlled. In theory, if the club is federated, it should present its financial statements once a year. Does it happen?
We are coordinated with other organizations that have been fighting for the same ideals as us for several years. The results are uncertain, not to say non-existent, and hence the great doubts arise: Why doesn't corruption end? Is there no public institution that pursues it? Answer: ..... NO INTEREST, Be clear about the old Spanish saying "a troubled river profit of fishermen"
These public law entities for the management of urbanizations that are usually found on the outskirts of the urban nucleus. With the proliferation of this type of residential, there is confusion when considering the subject of the Community of Owners and the EUCC, because they are different things.A relevant aspect is that what must be conserved belongs to the City Council, that is, the purpose of the Conservation Entity is to COLLABORATE with the corresponding Public Administration
In general, it is a game in which it is deceived and usually even made with accomplices who help in one way or another to its success, it is undoubtedly the most widespread practice in our days to deceive citizens. Let's look at some examples in which it is enough that in a meeting we have a few like-minded who agree with us at the right moment and who shout when we want to take the voice away from the victim of deception
Spain is a kingdom with a culture and tradition of "castes", in the colonialist era it created a differential social system of rights based on the cleansing of blood. Although our 1978 CONSTITUTION (art 14) eliminates segregation by: sex, race,... "or condition", it is paradoxical and perverse that those who hold the most power have striven to create privileges of rights (laws of aforamientos) despite being unconstitutional. In the year 2023, "the lords" are skipping the rules that watch over the conviction of a people, that is, the "Rule of Law". The economic interest underlies: fines disappear and money appears in accounts in tax havens